Tag Archives: gujarat

gearing up

So my week-long do-nothing vacation is about to end, as tomorrow I depart for Kerala, in the south of India.  I’m taking the train, and will have 40 hours to kill in a non-A/C car. Here’s hoping Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is a highly fascinating book.

I’ve spent the past week in Ahmedabad, the biggest city in Gujarat.  It’s where my mom grew up (for the most part) and where my closest relatives on her side live.  The house used to be a small village outside of town, but “town” has quickly grown to encompass the villages as suburbs.  When you look at a map of Ahmedabad, Ranip is now on it as part of the city.

Gujarat has gone hard-core commercial.  Shopping complexes, cinemas (71 at last count), and all the various accoutrements are easy to find, at least in Ahmedabad.  It’s always been a big bustling area, but now even more so.

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mosquito paradise

After an insane amount of travel, I made it to Ahmedadabad. It is warm here, and the mosquitos are biting in full force. It’s also crowded and loud here – a big difference from UB. We are shopping and visiting family, and I am trying to arrange teh rest of my time on vacation. So far, so good.

I realized recently that I forgot my USB cord, so it will be a while before I can get pictures. My camera is also in the camera shop so it is out of commission for a bit.

So the next few days I will lay low and relax. Be back in a bit!

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